It is possible to be so connected, so aligned, so at One with Source within you, that in many cases you may experience instantaneous, or “near instantaneous” manifestation. The ultimate form of “being true to yourself,” is to BE your TRUE SELF, which is your inner connection with Source, where you are infinitely and eternally …
EFT Tapping Script for Allowing the Flowering of Your Every Heart’s Desire
Bring Yourself Into Alignment With Your Heart’s Desire So That It Rapidly Manifests! Use My EFT Tapping Script To Get Into A “Feel-Good” State of Pure Allowing. Tap along with this eft tapping script to clear out any resistance to your desires and to bring yourself into a state of pure “Allowing” (receiving) of your …
Is It Divine Timing Or Are You Stuck In “Waiting” Energy? – Allow Good To Flow In NOW…
Video Transcript: Welcome to Allowing Flowering. Embodying your true identity as the field of infinite possibilities, where you are already One with your every heart’s desire, and with the most expansive love of all. Thank you so much for joining me here. So we’re going to look in and see what divine inspiration would like …
Your Desire Is The Thing Itself Emerging Through You ~ Allow It To Express & Fully Flower Open Through You As You
Video Transcript: Welcome to Allowing Flowering, embodying your true identity as the field of infinite possibilities, where you are already one with your every heart’s desire and the most expansive love of all. Thank you so much for joining me here today. You have intuitively attracted the watching of this video for a reason. So …