It is possible to be so connected, so aligned, so at One with Source within you, that in many cases you may experience instantaneous, or “near instantaneous” manifestation. The ultimate form of “being true to yourself,” is to BE your TRUE SELF, which is your inner connection with Source, where you are infinitely and eternally …
How Profound “Self” Acceptance Is A Gateway To Manifesting Your Desires ~ Relax Into Self-“Allowing”
Video Transcript: Welcome to Allowing Flowering – Embodying your true identity as the field of infinite possibilities where you are already one with your every heart’s desire and the most expansive love of all. So let’s look in and see what divine inspiration would like to come through for you right now. Why have you …
Manifest Your Desires With Love ~ Conscious Creation ~ Divine Inspiration
Video Transcript: “In my appreciation I offer no resistance. Appreciation and self-love are the most important aspects you could ever nurture. Appreciation of others and the appreciation of yourself are the closest vibrational matches to Source Energy of anything we have ever witnessed anywhere in this Universe.” Ultimately, when you’re in a state of appreciation, …