Free EFT Tapping Script For Manifesting Your Desires - Law of Attraction And Emotional Freedom Technique
EFT Tapping Scripts

EFT Tapping Script for Allowing the Flowering of Your Every Heart’s Desire

Bring Yourself Into Alignment With Your Heart’s Desire So That It Rapidly Manifests! Use My EFT Tapping Script To Get Into A “Feel-Good” State of Pure Allowing.

Tap along with this eft tapping script to clear out any resistance to your desires and to bring yourself into a state of pure “Allowing” (receiving) of your every heart’s desire!

I’ve personally found that spending a few minutes, or even several minutes, on each tapping point before journeying on to the next, can be especially powerful, which is how this tapping script is formatted. However… If you prefer to tap through each point sentence-by-sentence (or in any way that you choose), feel free to use this script in the way that feels most intuitively right for you.

And remember, the flowering of your every heart’s desire is not just about speaking the words, it’s about FEELING them, in your body – It’s about FEELING the words WITH your body.

Opening to receive your heart’s desires, is a CHOICE, it is a DECISION that you are making.

A positive “affirmation” is not really an “affirmation,” unless you are AFFIRMING it!

So let’s powerfully AFFIRM the flowering of your every heart’s desire in beautiful free-flowing graciousness now, and flourish you into full bloom!

Karate Chop Point

Even though I may have experienced some self-doubts in the past about my ability to easily manifest my desires, I now choose to start letting these doubts go. 

Although I may have underestimated myself, or even entertained ideas that I could ever be unworthy or undeserving of receiving the good that I desire in my life, I am willing to release these old ideas. 

Even though I may have once accepted and believed that there are set limitations to what I can accomplish, I am choosing to set myself free from all thoughts of limitation in what is possible for me. 

Although I may have once settled for the limited ideas I’d come to consider or believe were true for me, I am choosing in this moment to love, accept, appreciate, and approve of myself, and to open myself up to receiving the fullness of the truth: That I have the ability to manifest ANYTHING that I desire, and to “softly” Allow all of my heart’s desires to flower up beautifully in my life with total ease, because I know that I am already One with anything that I could ever desire, and with the Source of All Things Good.

Eyebrow Point

Limiting ideas about what is possible for me, I choose to release them now. 

They may have once served me. 

Some part of me may have once felt protected by these limitations, and on some level believed that these mental confinements were keeping me safe, and that’s okay. 

Though I choose to let them go now, and rise above these old limiting thoughts. 

I may have once felt that I must strain and struggle, try really hard, work really hard, “jump through hoops,” and forward-press excessively hard in attempt to mentally-force my desired manifestations into being.

I let go of these resistant thoughts now. 

I am beginning to realize that there is tremendous power in softness. 

A certain manifestive “ease,” in graciousness. 

I allow all old limiting thoughts and beliefs in lack, limitation, strain, struggle, and any belief in the necessity for mental coercion of a desired outcome in order to accomplish it, to effortlessly float away from my mind, in this moment. 

I release all beliefs in the idea that it is required or necessary in any way to attempt to enforce mental-control over any desired outcome in order to manifest it or bring it into being, as I now realize that I do not have to try to mentally-push any outcome to happen because I am already effortlessly One with all desired outcomes, and this knowledge allows my heart to fill with peace.

I do not have any need to control, or “mentally-contrive” any desired outcome into being whenever I am Already One with, and As, THE POWER of Already Having It All through my ever-present infinite inner connection with the Source of All Good within the innermost depths of my being.

So I willingly release all ideas that may have once tried to instruct and misguide me away from owning my own power, and from owning my Oneness with the Greatest Power of All, which is my embodiment with, and As, the One All-Inclusive Love that is the Source of All Blessings.

All of these old limiting beliefs that once kept me feeling small, powerless, and ineffective – I can feel those old limited ways of thinking, sweetly evaporating from my consciousness now, back into a state of love, and my mind and being returning to its natural state of Abundance as the essence of All Things Good.

Side of Eye Point: 

I may have once felt resentful, maybe even angry, feeling so limited and stuck, feeling blocked from my desires. 

I may even be feeling some anger and resentment now, and that’s okay. 

I accept myself completely. 

My feelings are valid, and I lovingly support myself in exactly how I feel. 

I also acknowledge, that I can now release any feelings of resentment, anger, or stuckness from my mind and body, and that the only reason I’ve been feeling this way, is because I felt blocked from my desires, but I am now beginning to see very clearly, that I am a limitless being, capable of manifesting anything that I desire, and that it can be easy, and even joyful and fun.

Under Eye Point

Maybe I’ve even felt worried, anxious, or fearful that I might not receive what is important to my heart. 

I may have even felt powerless to get what I wanted or to affect my desired change. 

But I am beginning to realize that there is much more to who I really am, than I’ve even been consciously aware of. 

I now choose to release all fear that I might not receive what I desire, as I am beginning to feel the sensation of a growing confidence – a deep inner-knowing – directly in the center-core of my stomach, and I am now starting to notice that this area of my body holds within it a certain openness, a certain fullness, a certain power, a certain sense of limitless spaciousness, that is ever-flowering with infinite possibilities.

Under Nose Point

I am willing to let go of all ideas of myself as small, limited, insignificant, unworthy, and not good enough. 

I release all fears of inadequacy, undeservedness, and the fear of not measuring up. 

I am an unlimited being. 

My Inner Being is so vast, so unlimited, so infinitely capable, and forms within my innermost core, a solid pillar of inner security, ability, and iron-clad inner authority.

Under Mouth Point (middle of chin)

I now choose to release all feelings of guilt and shame. 

And I willingly release all feelings of guilt that have blocked me from receiving my heart’s desires. 

I let go of the belief that it is wrong to receive. 

I let go of the belief that it is wrong for ME to receive. 

I completely release the soul-corrosive, soul-depriving belief that it is better to give than to receive. 

I am now beginning to realize that it is EQUALLY GOOD to Give AND to Receive, and that I, myself, am GIVING a generous gift to the giver, THROUGH my gift of RECEIVING, which is also to allow (GIVE) to the giver an experience of pure HEART-JOY as I lovingly accept their act of giving and sharing into my own heart with genuine, respectful, proper appreciation.

I am also more deeply awakening to the understanding, that the more I allow myself to receive, the more that I have to give, and share, and bless others with as well, and so my willingness to receive with a heart filled with gratitude, is a GOOD thing, and is also a BLESSING for All.

Collar Bone Point

I let go of all fear of receiving. 

I release all remaining feelings of doubt. 

I release all remaining feelings of worry. 

I let go and receive. 

I am the receiving of my desire. 

I am the embodiment of all that I desire. 

I let go and Allow all of my desires to flower open. 

I am already One with all that I desire. 

And I open to receive now. 

I choose to know that it is always possible for what I desire to joyously spring to life and flower up beautifully for me at any given moment. 

I am the freedom to be. 

I am the freedom to express. 

I am the freedom to create. 

I am the freedom to spontaneously flower my desired manifestations to life from the very essence of my being. 

Under The Arm Point (on side)

I release all feelings of sadness and lost time. 

I release all of my emotional attachments to past disappointments, loss, sorrow, and regret. 

I choose to know that I can always begin anew in this moment. 

And I choose to do so now. 

I am beginning anew. 

I release all feelings of pain, loneliness, unworthiness, and undeservedness from my mind, body, and being. 

I release any remaining feelings of powerlessness, anger, and weakness.

I let go of all emotional-constriction, and I choose to relax Open as the essence of Source that I Am.

I release any remaining feelings that I am blocked from my desires. 

I AM NOT blocked from having my desires. 

I AM ONE with the full “havingness” and “beingness” of my every heart’s desire!

I am beginning to accept the Truth of who I really am. 

And to let go of all thoughts, ideas, beliefs, feelings and emotions, that are not in alignment with the real me. 

That are not in alignment with the most Authentic Me. 

I am One with Source, which is pure substance, pure worth – Infinite Worth. 

Therefore, I AM in my very being, in my very essence, in my very existence, an eternal timeless state of innate infinite inner worth. 

And within this Divine Substance that forms my innermost core, I am filled with infinite possibilities and limitless good. 

I am One with my every heart’s desire already given in advance, into infinity. 

I am the Worthiness itself that holds within it All Good.

I am worthy and deserving of Love, and All Things Good, because I am ONE with the ultimate Source of Love and All Things Good! 

I am the field of All-Good, I am the field of infinite possibilities, flowering into expression, and effortlessly manifesting all of my desired good from the very essence of my being. 

I am beginning to feel my heart now flowering open with the ecstasy, fullness, and bliss, of my True Self, my True Identity, as Quantium Love, that holds within it, the All-ness of Life, the full totality of the Divine Heart of Creation, and all of its Rich Bountiful Goodness is abundantly flooding through my entire existence now, infinitely overflowing in all directions.

Top of Head Point

I am Allowing the Flowering of my every heart’s desire.

Eyebrow Point

I can feel all of my heart’s desires actively flowering into manifestation, in the present moment now, in real-time.

Side of Eye Point

I am opening to receive now.

Under Eye Point

I am THE RECEIVING of my desires.

Under Nose Point

I am already One with my every heart’s desire, and with the Source of All-Good.

Under Mouth Point (middle of chin)

I now Allow the Flowering of my desired good to spontaneously spring to life from the very essence of my being.

Collar Bone Point

I am letting it be okay to receive my desires.

Under The Arm Point (on side)

I give myself full permission to joyfully receive my every heart’s desire.

And I am allowing myself to Emotionally-Receive the joy-filled essence of my fulfilled desires right now.

Top of Head Point

I allow myself to have all that I desire, and to feel really good about it.

Eyebrow Point

I Allow myself to feel abundantly good having all that I desire.

Side of Eye Point

It feels so good having all that I desire.

Under Eye Point: 

I AM magnetically receptive to all of my desires.

Under Nose Point

I AM already ONE with my every answered prayer already given in advance.

Under Mouth Point (middle of chin)

I AM already ONE with my every heart’s desire already given in advance.

Collar Bone Point

I allow it to be okay to feel good receiving All that I desire.

Under The Arm Point (on side)

Receiving all that I desire feels easy, joyful, and fun.

Top of Head

I have it All, and can Create Anything.

Eyebrow Point

I am capable of attracting anything that I desire with my essence.

Side of Eye Point

I attract all that I desire, simply by being myself.

Under Eye Point

I attract all of my desires by being my TRUE Self.

Under Nose Point

I effortlessly flower all of my desires by being my True Identity as the Infinite Being that I AM.  

Under Mouth Point: (middle of chin): 

My TRUE SELF is always flowering all of my desires effortlessly.

Collar Bone Point

The Inner Flow State that I Am is always easily manifesting whatever I desire, spontaneously.

Under The Arm Point (on side)

Allowing is the “essence” of manifestation. 

What true manifestation feels like. 

And I am doing this now. 

I am Allowing Flowering. 

I am allowing the flowering of all that I desire now.

Top of Head Point

I am One with, and AS, Source. 

I reclaim my Power and Right to be who I REALLY AM.

My True Identity is the field of infinite possibilities, the field of All-Good. 

I am One with my every heart’s desire into infinity, and I am expanding open now as the Universe and beyond, surrendering open to the INFLOW of my every heart’s desire pouring through me from within my innermost core, filling my emotional-insides with joyfully sweet feelings unlike anything I’ve ever felt before, as my desires FLOWER THROUGH ME into my experience of physical reality in such beautiful, loving, joyful, Divinely-perfect ways.

It is so.

And I am so truly thankful!

Thank you so much!

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